BCC2020 Registration is Open

We are pleased to announce that registration is open for BCC2020.

Since the 2020 Bioinformatics Community Conference will be online this allows us to greatly lower our registration rates to a fraction of their original cost, and to also include a discount for students and researchers from the developing world.

Registration starts at

  • US$   3 / $   9 / $ 15 per training topic
  • US$ 12 / $ 36 / $ 60 for the meeting
  • Free for the the CoFest

These rate tiers are for

BCC is going global

In addition, BCC2020 is going global, and BCC2020 events will be held twice: once in their original Toronto time zone (BCC West), and again 12 hours later in the Eastern hemisphere (BCC East).

We hope these two changes will make BCC2020 accessible to the entire world. Here’s the plan.

Before you regsiter

  1. If you are planning on attending Training, please review the training schedule to see what topics you are interested in. Be sure to
    • And set your venue too (West, or not — if you live somewhere in between
  2. Be aware that the East training schedule is not yet finalized. If you are in the east, you should hold off until the end of April to register.


Registration is very affordable but it may still be too much for some researchers, especially students. Organizers will open a fellowship application process shortly.

Reminder: Abstract submission is open

See the announcement.

We hope to see all of you online in July,

BCC2020 Organizers