Converting the 2020 Bioinformatics Community Conference from in-person to online presents many challenges, but also some opportunities. BCC2020 had decided to embrace those opportunities.
We are pleased to announce that
- BCC2020 events will be held twice: once in their original Toronto time zone (BCC West), and again 12 hours later in the Eastern hemisphere (BCC East).
- Registration rates have been slashed to a fraction of their original cost, and now include a discount for students and researchers from the developing world.
We hope these two changes will make BCC2020 accessible to the entire world. Here’s the plan.
Training will be offered on July 17-18 in the Western hemishpere, and July 19-20 in the Eastern hemisphere. All training will be live and online. Some topics will only offered in one hemisphere or the other. Registration will be on a per session basis. Training will use online platforms and almost all topics will be hands-on.
The main meeting will be held July 19-21 in the West, and July 20-22 in the East. The same presentations will be offered in both hemispheres. We are seeking ways to also have posters, demos, and birds-of-a-feather span both hemispheres.
The CollaborationFest will follow the meeting, and span the entire world (nothing new there). There will be core communities during both windows, but we are also exploring other options for coordinating efforts continuously.
See the registration page for costs and deadlines. Registration will open shortly.
Registration is very affordable but it may still be too much for some researchers, especially students. Organizers will open a fellowship application process shortly.
Reminder: Abstract submission is open
See the announcement.

We would like to extend a global thank you to the Galaxy Australia and Australian BioCommons teams for taking the lead on BCC East organizing (organising?). Their efforts will make this a truly global event.
We hope to see all of you online in July,